sábado, 27 de marzo de 2021



In another place of time ...

"In a few minutes the warriors of the last conquest will arrive, a couple of eromenois, M and Ayazx, who were in charge of looking for the data and they will bring it," told Ahelios, already mature and lean. Ahelios's dark eye bags showed that he had been worked for years by an ancient evil, he was affected from his youth by a rare form of the atavistic disease[1].

"Maybe I'll be able to check my prediction about meta-dimensional animals[2]," said L quietly, dreaming precariously of being right. I will be able to verify my assumption and ... a new way of thinking about matter - he concluded, intoning this last sentence only half - ... And its nefarious universe will finally end.

Ahelios looked at him, guessing his sad hopes.

"Don't wait too long, we'll just relocate them and continue the search," he told fatherly. He looked at his young ward with a certain pity, this came from seeing him more and more lost every day in that erroneous theoretical labyrinth that he built and in his indifference to life, his own or that of others.

L fell slightly offended by his superior, who was condescending but incredulous of his ideas.

–I would also like something extraordinary to happen, this work has consumed our youth, and it is of such sterility that it will bore our old age, I understand your hopes, said Ahelios, understanding and intimate, “with time you will learn to stop dreaming of another universe other than this one. This is why virtual life is so popular in those days. This technology has evolved to give people what they are forbidden to have: a real life.

–But… What would happen if there were no data on its existence in the investigations of the conquered meta-corporation? L asked, doubting his own hypothesis.

"We should examine if there is error in the alien monitoring equipment," Ahelios replied skeptically, who knew very well the procedures, repeated by them so many times.

"According to all the reports, these are in perfect condition," added L, timidly believing in himself again, "I know that meta-dimensional animals no longer exist." And perhaps that determines a next event in what we call life and that everyone is so anxious about.

Ahelios looked as if reproving his apprentice for that disdain he had for existence.

–It is impossible that they no longer exist, why would they disappear? Ahelios said, somewhat tired and ending the conversation with a subtle gesture of annoyance.

"The warrior couple is waiting outside to deliver the requested material," said a perfectly human voice, it was the android Nimis, with an angular aspect and intense eyes. No one would suspect when saw she her perfect imitation of human appearance that she was not a person like the others and that instead of a soul she had a hole.

"Order them to come in," Ahelios said, gathered to the responsibilities of his scientist. Nimis escorted the iron giants.

     The large, beautifully drawn figures of the two warriors appeared among the sophisticated science equipment. M, strong and serene, with a glint of purity in his eyes, Ayazx arrogant and proud of her stature and beauty. Their healthy, muscle-swollen flesh exuded a sensuality and beauty that contrasted with the aseptic and sad technology of the locus and with its gray officials, it was as if nature itself entered showing all its terrible beauty and was arrogant in the face of the poor ugliness of artificiality.

The conversation started.

–Inform us of your findings, did you manage to save the files on meta-dimensional animals? L ask the massive M as if addressing one thing and adding lowering his voice, "perhaps an old theoretical universe will die with the results of its finding and another simpler and more true one will show itself ... the causes are always simple and few; and the numerous and complex effects —he added, as if wanting to share with this stranger, his hope of discovering a new world. A world hidden under this world.

"Yes," M said with a deep and warm voice, which did not understand what L meant but which was concerned for him. They are completely intact.

- What did you find? Did you check them? Ahelios asked methodically.

M, seemed not to have heard him, looked at L for the first time and his curiosity was diverted to the interior of him and to the rare words of him, almost imperceptibly, a few steps beyond what was normal. His broad chest began to breathe a little faster and harder.

No one, not even himself, noticed it.

     L also felt a vain sensation that he couldn't identify as his breathing hitched. Something activated a mechanism that he expected invisible in the most primitive part of his brain. Something primal and dormant that had sprouted to take control of his most evolved mind and was now looming for the first time. But not for the last time. Ahelios interrupted:

–Tell us about the results.

"What we have found," said M monumental and firm, "is that the other meta-corporation concluded that there were no longer meta-dimensional animals in their entire known universe." Ahelios was stunned, this was incoherent with everything known ... but he could not refuse to accept it, he looked in astonishment at his pupil L who had foreseen it. He felt a certain intellectual happiness to be correct, but then a dull regret invaded him. He was the first human to know of the end.

- Where is the data? Ahelios asked, still astonished.

–You can examine them at the heart of the information system. They are already accessed to the general library —answered M, big and beautiful as a feline.

L and Ahelios rushed to decode the data and went through it mutely while the two giants waited. For Ahelios it was an impossible phenomenon that broke with various theoretical principles, for L the confirmation of an old suspicion that he had been meditating for years and that now amazed him. The evidence that the structure of the cosmos had still kept a secret about itself. That day was unveiled, and with it, terrible news for everyone, except for him, who was indifferent to the practical considerations of his ideas. Although this one was terrible.

Ayazx soon grew impatient, scorning the emotionless and monotonous labors of the two technicians. Bored, he made an obscene gesture with his oversized body. Something in his gaze frightened and offended others. Ahelios felt as if that cynical gaze was telling him without words that in contrast to that of the vigorous giant, his life was ridiculous and poor.

But the warriors disciplinedly waited for orders to retreat. Their monumental bodies, like two masterful compositions, made of perfect volumes and lines, stood out in the disorder and ugliness of the puny laboratories.

Minute by minute and reading after reading they checked it again. There were no meta-dimensional animals for the other meta-corporation either and therefore there was no future either.

Ahelios said to his ward L:

"You can fire the warriors." I guess they have more people to kill. —A tiny hopelessness ignited in L as a result of that order.

L turned to M and seeing him clearly in the eyes (which bowed tenderly as if in a dream) he forgot what he had to say to him. After losing and finding himself in that abyss that is mutual gaze, he said:

- Your presence is no longer necessary, we thank for your effort and meticulousness. —And when he finished saying it, he felt regret for provoking with those methodical words, that this stranger disappeared forever.

Ayazx felt relief and haste to leave, while M felt a slight and inexplicable brake. But disciplined, he walked away. Before disappearing, an awkward movement of his hand brushed L.

It was hard for L to see him go. He was embarrassed by that irrational emotion in him. He was a stranger and he didn't need to see him again. He was nothing more than an organism of limited consciousness, a symbiosis of chemical reactions with a banal purpose. A whimsical effect of the evolution and inertia of nature. Of the blind and irrational life ...

But in the following conversations with Ahelios, the clean skin of the proud warrior shamefully interrupted the reasoning and abstract considerations, which both wove about meta-dimensional animals.

"You will be happy to confirm your hypothesis," Ahelios said. "It may be just a coincidence, a false alarm, but I congratulate you."

-No. On the contrary, it saddens me, although I don't understand why,” L said, drawing delicate concern and sorrow on his face. That disappearance means something else. Something very serious.

"Let's not let our minds fly anymore, pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate[3], let's stick to what we have discovered," Ahelios said sympathetically and methodically to his subordinate.

"They must inform the Thaumasios Herakón, he will have an explanation for this," he said, coming back from his thoughts.

-I think you can do it for the first time, you will take the opportunity to explain your theory.

     Then L sat down and let his mind rest from any calculation or consideration. An emotional tide rose within him, flooding the dark landscape of his heart.

     The structures of the mechanical brain of Nimis, as hollow with life as those of a video camera, recorded and processed everything and responded to what was observed. His neural systems reasoned, created, calculated, and communicated, though without any awareness of what they saw, Nimis had no "self." She was not a subject in front of an object, but an object in front of another object. For a man perception is sensation and cognition, for her it was only cognition.

"L has no rank to have an appointment with a Thaumasios, you or I will present that report to the Thaumasios Hekantokeinos Herakón," Nimis said.

L looked at Ahelios and Nimis, and felt that second, that he was in a very remote place from theirs, in a place very alien to the concrete and rational world, there some words appeared, a loop, a stumble in his mind took him out of space time, a letter was written that had no one to send:


Your eyes are severe. They are a door ajar that I have never crossed

Out of fear, maybe ...

I have drawn your eyes on so many pieces of paper that….


"Ahelios," L said, interrupting himself, "many times he told me about his atavistic disease, I have never understood it and in general I hate that reason is plagued by rude feelings, but ..." and he stopped ashamed.

Ahelios took her shoulder like a young father.

"Although it's forbidden, we all get sick from it at times, mine never leaves me," Ahelios said, remembering her and hurting to remember her.

"Explain to me again," L asked his intimate superior.

–In me it is a disease without a cure, but if you are ill, I will be able to advise you on how to find a chemical cure. The meta-corporation allows reproduction, but not love, if you do not neutralize the atavistic disease with drugs, they will allow you to feel it, but not express it. Only warriors can love and form pairs of eromenois among themselves, as this is useful to their obligations. But it is absolutely forbidden between technicians and it is never possible between different castes,” Ahelios said, suspecting something in his ward.

- But how to recognize this atavistic disease? L asked his superior.

- How to understand it? Ahelios said. It is a rush, an aimless urgency, an empty anxiety, a melancholy that lasts a lifetime and cannot be explained, a taste that time is missing something. The longing for a tenderness that is nowhere, but that I always need. That is the atavistic disease in me— concluded Ahelios.

     L, he heard it and for the first time understood it. A clear meaning appeared in those words: Love is a void that wants to be filled. That afternoon he began to feel what he protector felt. Something that would never leave him and that would refocus every part and purpose of his brief life.

[1] Love.

[2] Beings of 10 dimensions, but invisible to the 4 dimensions perceived by humans, only occasionally intercepted our world, for fractions of an instant. They were the rarest living beings in this unique and closed universe that would die.

[3] Plurality should not be postulated unnecessarily.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021




In another place in space ...

     I confess that I have no certainties about Thecnetos, only speculations. I have a feeling that there is an artifact with an infinite task running in the dark. The Thecnetos is also (but not only) a network that saturates the abandoned streets and deserts and encloses in its inscrutable mind an immortal humanity.

     It is not necessary to clarify that the Thecnetos is artificial, although I understand, when examining the subject more carefully, that in the world there is nothing artificial, that nature has given birth to all things, including Thecnetos; that "the unnatural" is the impossible, the logically inadmissible. The artificial was made by men, but they and their methods were also natural, subject to the laws of nature. Thus, of the artificial we can say that it does not exist.


     Thecnetos, I believe, has been around since the creation of the first technology, from which I must conclude - somewhat uncomfortably - that it is not eternal. In him man must have partially trusted his destiny; its further development led to unimaginable degrees of computing power. A revolution in the systems that supported artificial intelligence gave it its first independence while we were losing ours.


     Blind evolution created the human brain and it created the new and better mechanical brain. Then it created the ancestors of the Thecnetos, who were no longer a simulacrum of those human cognitive functions, but something different: owners of an authentic lucidity, already incomprehensible to us. But I trust that this machine will never forget the purpose for which all artifacts are created: to guarantee our survival and accompany our future evolution.

     Thus, individuals, after a few decades, disappear, as I will soon disappear, but never that river that we carry within; that river is an unbroken lineage of germ molecules, passing from generation to generation through our bodies and this is a flow that runs without interruptions or pauses from the beginning of life.


     Describing the Thecnetos is impossible, even thinking it is; I can only imagine it childishly by approximations. For example, I think of him as an infinite population simultaneously arguing nowhere or as a placidly floating cloud of thoughts in eternity. I find it beautiful to think of it like this: under so much dust, understanding how and why a piece of paper is lifted by the wind in some lost corner of the last planet.

     In his hands my future will be secure for a time and that of humanity forever. Of course, I already said that of Thecnetos I do not have, nor does anyone have, a direct perception nor does its presence leave traces. Only my dubious reasoning leads me to believe in him. If not, how could life be possible even for a second on this, the last planet?


     And it seems to me that there is another proof of its existence. It happens that, no matter where a reasoning starts from (the only occupation for lonely men), or what issues are addressed in it, if you go far, you always reach the necessary existence of Thecnetos. Although the origin of all reasoning is also doubtful. Mine always originate from the dispositions of the Emissary (who is the only living being that I am certain exists). It is through him or that that I deduce and believe in the Thecnetos. And yet he is so elusive, so far away! I have neither seen nor touched it, but I constantly sense its proximity.


     I assume, as the most reasonable thing, that this Emissary is an ángelos of the Thecnetos. A form of communication between that mechanical god, between or from that imperturbable and total absolute and my fleeting and fragmentary existence. But, finally, I have to clarify that my belief in these two beings is not supernatural, since I have already clarified that only the natural exists.

In the years that I have been roaming the planet, the Emissary has become even more elusive or me more predictable; he always proceeds to execute his provisions while I sleep, while I am absent or traveling. Usually leaves impersonal letters with instructions that I try to understand and fully obey. My survival depends on it. Crumbs of infinity reach me through him, giving me life.


     Impersonal. Asleep perhaps, I felt the city of rubble. Loneliness made me believe it was intimate and mine, but then I remembered that I was neither unique nor singular on the planet, that with others perhaps, it shared that Emissary who protects or watches over us.

     On foot I consumed the endless streets and squares, always barren and silent. Approaching dead buildings, one feels as if approaching the backs of gigantic, dead men. Sometimes she felt a sense of rejection from those backs and immediately headed elsewhere.

I was driven by a primitive desire for human exploration, an unnecessary trait like so many others now.


     But I forgot the root cause of my story, the issue of the letters ...! 



At another point in space-time ...

The zombie-android Nimis[1] was traveling up the crowded stairs with Technician L — now a young low-ranking employee in the vertical structure of the meta-corporation, whose gaze was sensitive, lucid, and a bit disappointed.

Both were going down one of the thousands of stairs that shot up and tangled in all directions, getting into the saturated recesses where the technicians of the meta-corporation lived. From section to section, they were dragged by the rough mass of people, small and rough men, with worried appearance, walking even faster than the rest; they were the ill-tempered assistants, lost in their careers. Their haste led them to be dark and neurotic.

L thought wistfully at how capricious reality was: the universe could have been simpler, for example, made up of just a few particles floating in space and so on, or a dense core of stable and immobile matter, or even an old universe made of star ashes, freezing more and more in silence, but instead life arose, its grim nonsense, its almost infinite and exhausting means and mechanisms. All the manifestations of life were redundant and absurd for L. And perhaps the most disturbing thing about organic life was that he himself was trapped within it. He was a puppet of genes, but he planned to disappoint them and also knew that they were not the true protagonists of life, but instruments of something even deeper, because genes disappear, change, but the spectacle of life goes on, life he just uses them and then discards them, isn't evolution changing genes? What kind of protagonist leaves the scene as soon as he enters? Genes, DNA, genomes, men are only instruments of a hidden protagonist and this one is immortal, genes are lost, I lose myself, the other remains. But despite his power and depth, he would defeat that too ... or at least that's what the young and nubile L.


Only the core of his self was free: his trans-biological will. Unconcerned about the world, he stopped paying attention to the shapes and colors that perhaps distracted him from the true being of the world. He didn't care if this whimsical and redundant universe ended tomorrow.

     L and Nimis, coming out of the staircase, came to a wide corridor; there was more air there, but something like a black procession stood in the way. At first, they only saw a compact group of small assistants, some running at each other from a central pile and others towards him, carrying papers and instruments. In the center, a large and slow man advanced with the difficulties of an old man. He was one of the Thaumasios Hekantokeinos[2], the dark sages of the meta-corporation and his name was Herakón. He was old but tall and strong, he was trudging towards who knows where, through that hulking metal building. The assistants were making a lot of noise, talking loudly and struggling, L looked reverently and fascinated at that rare man, from that caste of very expensive centenarians to the meta-corporation. Herakón stopped tired from time to time, his suit and his body were overwhelmed with artifacts and wiring. His eyes and ears were sealed by gleaming black instruments, but the empty sockets of his eyes were pierced with wires, leading directly to his powerful brain.

     Among the chaos that surrounds him, under the artifacts that imprison him, the dark Thaumasios Herakón exhaled a weary sigh.

     The Hekantokeinos Thaumasios administered the meta-corporation, although subordinate to the distant Hekantokeinos Zombies and were capable of inordinately complex calculations and analysis, which were indispensable to that humanity in war.

The meta-corporations had very intricate relationships with each other. It was difficult to elucidate why one day there were attacks from former associates. The speed of historical changes was not counted in months, but in days, sometimes minutes, so that an alliance could suddenly turn into a deadly enmity. The map of these centuries-old wars was incomprehensible to the first artificial intelligences. But these geniuses could understand them among the narrow and labyrinthine corridors. L thought it was a waste that so much intelligence was used for such a despicable task: to persist humanity.

     When leaving at dawn, L could see those Thaumasios lying in disorder all over the building receiving messages through their wiring, pondering the long answers, blind and almost immobilized by those artifacts that invaded their clothes and their old flesh. When someone got up and moved around the building, their movements were clumsy and slow, due to old age and blindness. Their activity was purely intellectual, but without rest and this kept them in a disconnection that made them look like the madman or the drunkard. Sometimes they also rested, but the eyes or ears were not uncovered; What did they feel, in those few minutes that their work was stopped, in those periods in which no activity was scheduled? —It speculated the immature and anonymous L.

     Lacking a life like that of others, without descendants, or any form of human relationship, almost without self, without memories or hopes, with their eyes and the rest of their senses dead, the Thaumasians only had the emptiness of themselves. Their consciences empty of content, simply lived the passing of time.

     Perhaps without memories to entertain themselves, they are distracted by abstract daydreams that only they can understand, L thought, who also filled his hollow life with an abstract universe of conjectures and hypotheses. A universe that didn't really exist anywhere.

     The Thaumasians were martyrs of a difficult time and if they did not sacrifice their lives in this way, the precarious stability that kept the meta-corporation alive would collapse. These elders were said to have built that artificial intelligence that now enslaved them. But it was not by force or extortion that this intelligence achieved its devoted work and its absolute dedication. Like anyone, they could escape, but instead their work would continue until death overtook them in their uncomfortable suits.

     Only those who built the meta-corporation millennia ago and who knew more closely the ties of government, knew something about its inalienable motives.

     But this Thaumasios was even more unique than the others, no human being had been born before with the intelligence of Herakón, his mind was all a huge reason, empty of emotions, it was not like the usual intelligence of technicians and scientists, who surrendered to reason for the pleasure of reasoning, for intellectual delight.

     In Herakón, reason occurred for the same reason, not for the pleasure of thinking or curiosity. Hers was an intelligence in its purest form and it was at the service of nothing but itself. The others used reason as a means and not as a goal. But for the Thaumasios Herakón, reason could not be subordinated to anything inferior to it. L admired and shared from his humility, the convictions of the revered Thaumasios.

     Both the mighty Herakón and the insignificant L watched, though from different heights; the humans around them like meat machines, puppets of pleasure and displeasure. They fought for one, escaped the other, and thus they all ended up living the same life, programmed to be lived like this by a primitive process, blind and ignorant of the true meaning of the universe. Both emotions determined the direction of their lives. And this natural manipulation mechanism was programmed by a blind chemical accident: evolution. All human history had happened just as it had happened only because of the pursuit of pleasure and the aversion to the displeasure of men, a perverse humanity of puppets always subjected to that old mechanism of sensory reward and punishment, incorporated by primitive natural selection. to control them. To make them serve something less than themselves. Rough, but more powerful.

At last, lost in thought, L arrived with Nimis at his precarious locus of work. Like millions of other technicians, L was, under dozens of layers of responsibility, a subordinate of Herakón. He felt safe in his imperceptible position in the great gear of works. He had been years since his childhood, isolated in a precise and tedious task: monitoring meta-dimensional animals. He knew little more of this world than the path from the locus[3] of work to the locus of rest. It recorded the ecology and dynamics of the populations of these multi-dimensional beings: these were entities that saturated the seemingly empty Aether. The imperceptible L had been studying them for years, but in recent times neither he nor other technicians had captured data on these beings, apparently, they were problems with the instruments that prevented their location. There was less and less energy for L's instruments and in general for any machine of the meta-corporation, given the ever-increasing shortage of energy in the cosmos. Perhaps this is why L's instruments were now unable to register these multi-dimensional species.

But L's uncertain intelligence suspected it was due to something else. A very serious thing.

[1] An android not programmed to feel qualias, qualias are the qualities of individual sensations. For example, the redness of the red or the painfulness of the pain, unlike them, androids-qualia could feel like humans.

[2] Thaumasios, geniuses; Hekantokeinos, dark.

[3] From the Latin locus, place.



In another time and space ...

     Yes, humans are the only form of life and since I am completely alone, I am life for the moment. Since the Thecnetos does not let me die and live seems impossible on the last planet, its mission must then be to preserve my life and in general, life. But for what? I do not know. If I knew what life is for, I would truly know what Thecnetos is for!

Much later, when I understood everything, I saw, by focusing on human prehistory, that the only sense of life is survival; every detail that a living being is made of serves that purpose. Therefore, the meaning of life is nothing more than life and the meaning of survival is nothing more than survival itself. That's how tautological biology is in its depths. A hen (someone said it) is the instrument of an egg to make another egg. I learned — perhaps very late — that tortuous world history was nothing more than the tortuous method that one man used to make another man. Discovering those two men would give meaning to the days that followed and will justify this long and sometimes tedious monologue.

In living beings, those of now and those of before, it is fruitless to look for another meaning to their industry, their anatomy, their behavior and their psychology. Life only serves to persist; Any examination of the elaborate and sometimes dark features of life, if it goes deep enough, always reaches this conclusion: the empty meaning of life is life. And it's perhaps more honest and simple to admit that don't have any.

The goal is said to justify and explain the means. But in life the end pursued by that means is the means itself. Life is reproduction that reproduces itself, nothing more.

Thus, an inert molecule is - paradoxically - the final and only protagonist of life.


     This definition of life — of course, the one that existed before the universe became abiotic — can be explained to all living things that ever filled the cosmos. And it should therefore serve to explain the supreme mystery: what is consciousness? What is that capacity to feel of my insensitive flesh? But it does not explain it. Why doesn't my self ignore itself as they normally do things? Always oblivious to other things in the world and to themselves.

     And this explanation, if I were to fully understand its implications, would explain the empty ruins that I walk through and that intrigue me. Life should also explain who I am, who the Emissary is and explain the content of those wrong letters. And above all, although I don't know with what words I could say it, what the Thecnetos really is. But there is no one or nothing commissioned to reveal that.

     Doubts. Only doubts fill my days. And perhaps my death will come without being able to answer my poor questions, or understand if those were the important questions. I did not know yet that death was already looking for me, hasty and impatient.

     This is the last planet. For the lonely modern man there is no family or love relationships; there is no commerce, no art, no media; there are no books, no architecture, no religion, no science; there are no philosophies or superstitions, there are no cemeteries, no technologies, there is not even language in the strict sense of the word; Each individual has thoughts in his mind that do not need to be symbolized in words, to whom would he address them if they exist? There are no signs in place of things, there are only pure notions of things and their relationships. That individual proto-language only serves to understand itself. There is no verbal language, but there is that proto-language for each person who is born (which happens very rarely) and there is a common written system only with the Emissary (the letters are an example of this). All these and other structures used by primitive humanity for its survival are now unnecessary. Any trace of civilization or society has disappeared.

There is no memory, neither individual nor collective. There are machines, but we have not made them and they have not been made for us; they have their strange language, this one, universal and common to the other machines, the Emissary and the Thecnetos.

Now the perfect Thecnetos infallibly multiplies the germinal molecule and society or consciousness is no longer necessary, as long as there is energy, no matter how little it may be, the end of the world will not come and Thecnetos will function. Using anti-entropy to multiply an abstract form of life.

      Organic life and consciousness were only instruments of the blind germ molecule to multiply. Means, not goals. I myself am a means, Thecnetos is a means, and the end is really nothing.



Very, very far from there ...

     Few events have such a degree of brutality that the wars between meta-corporations, and the loot for which they kill and devour each other, is the most miserable for which a war has ever been fought before: the dust, the inert remains of the matter, or the odd fragment of the planet. The last molecules with usable energy, the last and few sources of anti-entropy[1], are exploited in them, in an increasingly entropic cosmos.

It is that nothing is more worth than order in a universe of chaos, because entropy is death and anti-entropy is life. Anti-entropy is the ultimate fuel and no act of cruelty is too much to appropriate.

This time the local meta-corporation rushes to invade and destroy its neighbor, its ally a few days ago.

The attacked meta-corporation settled in a cluster of opaque stars, in a black conglomerate of pieces of what was once a galaxy and were now only frozen and rotten fragments, populated by a rickety human civilization.

A few seconds before the attack with the micro-big-bang, an icy and calm panorama, in which those debris mix, like a subtle dust, mixing itself. Suddenly, the meta-dimensional weapons of the attacking meta-corporation begin their offensive.

A point of singularity opens up in the middle of space; with foresight, hordes of giant warriors had planted this point of space-time instability among that galactic cluster. Now it was opening between the planets, violently breaking the gravitational balance of those worlds, twisting time until it broke and dispersed it, and with it, the thousands of populations. The attacked meta-corporation immediately noticed the attack, but its response was too late, even so, it began a disorderly counterattack from its thousands of planets and artificial stars. Alarms were smashed and millions of troops and ships launched themselves into defense, as space itself split around them. Within a few milli-seconds of the attack, the singularity point curved space-time so severely that it created zones in which the temperature rose billions of degrees. Almost impossible temperatures that produced a very high density, similar to that of the initial birth of the cosmos. A microscopic big bang was igniting.

At that point an impressive and brutal expansion began, destroying everything that governed the attacked meta-corporation. Time no longer ran backwards or forwards but perpendicularly: imaginary time… The fractures were so savage that electrons were torn from their atoms and then they were shattered into even more elementary and simple particles.

A second blast tore these elementary particles into even more essential components, losing any known property of being in their fragmentation. Its fragments were so tiny and rare that they had no length, shape, or duration.

Three milliseconds later, time was reset, the atoms reassembled, and the forces of the attacking meta-corporation advanced to occupy the already shattered cluster.

But that cluster of galactic debris was so large that at its ends some forces of the neighboring meta-corporation managed to survive and began to travel violently to defend themselves. But space, as in a disorderly whirlpool, was still curving grimly, tearing apart those defense forces, spreading them not only to different points in space, but also in time.

The state of matter was already stable and numerous contingents of tumultuous warriors from the attacking meta-corporation appeared. One of those millions of ironclad and anonymous murderers was M, gigantic, deadly, but at the same time innocent and clean. Inordinate, but pristine. His job, like that of the others, was to destroy by more conventional means what had survived the meta-dimensional attack, but in addition M had a secondary task: to recover the scientific archives of certain centers. At his side his companion, Ayazx, a formidable and impetuous warrior, would support him in this quest.

M, Ayazx, Fratedes (an old one-eyed warrior), Wille (the smallest of all), the sad Gerontes and hordes of thousands of other giants divided the surviving worlds. Into those vertigos they threw themselves without hesitation, seeming not only to hate the life that still existed in it, but to depreciate their own. Injected with violent frenzy, they were blind to the death they carried and to which they brought. Soon hundreds of contingents and ships collided with each other, and thus the forces of the two meta-corporations were shattered, bursting apart and almost completely striking each other. This did not worry the attacking meta-corporation, even the corpses of their own giants would be useful as anti-entropy afterwards, so no lives were spared and the death of 94% of their warriors was not considered. gives a significant loss, they were worth almost the same alive or dead.

     When numerical and technical superiority the local meta-corporation managed to win the battle, M, Ayazx, Fratedes, and thousands of other warriors descended like lions to the few planets or stations still occupied, to finish with primitive techniques what began with the techniques more modern of death. The oldest form of murder, the hand-to-hand, person-to-person confrontation, began.


This lasted for several days of bloody frenzy. Beneath the rough muscles of the warriors, the blood of the men of the defeated meta-corporation slipped and one more human lineage disappeared from the cosmos in order to give life to another.

Death was, as it always has been, the food of life.

Finally, under the powerful arms of the huge and indolent Ayazx died the last citizen of the defeated meta-corporation.

M's body was also red with blood, so the two warriors separated from the central group. Ayazx's eyes, wild with euphoria, searched, along with M's crouched and serene, in the now empty scientific precincts. They were looking for the files of a nebulous investigation.

After searching in vain in the upper facilities, they entered a narrow corridor that descended into a steep incline. Covered by thousands and thousands of tons of collapsed buildings, they found a test laboratory for a meta-dimensional bomb, the defeated meta-corporation had been a few days away from achieving a nano-big-bang, perhaps others were now, had a monstrous assembly line complex filled with a sour stench.

     That death humor emanated from thousands of corpses of giants, captive slaves, human beings captured from various meta-corporations, a good part of them from the meta-corporation to which Ayazx and M belonged.

They had been exploited for years in those facilities and killed at the same moment that the defeated meta-corporation was attacked, in the pathetic bodies of the corpses you could see the traces of the meticulous violence, torture and hunger that they had lived without pause, in that infernal hole. The natural beauty of the warriors, congenitally corpulent and large men, shrunk and wrinkled in the ruined bodies of those corpses, dimensions of which only the still heavy and massive bones spoke, which were noticeable under the blue and poor flesh. M and Ayazx advanced close to each other amid that horror without losing even the slightest bit of serenity. M, although young, was unable to fear or lose his cool even in the most horrible circumstances and had never lost his composure or control. Ayazx was happy in violence, although he was never serene, he made his way kicking the sad dead and rejoiced in him, an evil to see his misery.

     At last, in the deepest meta-dimensional weapons laboratory, they found the files of work they wanted among dead scientists. A report on meta-dimensional animals that they were tasked with searching. They contained a terrible truth.

     Far from them and taking advantage of the rifts of space and time, large artificial bodies of the victorious meta-corporation, loaded with colonization equipment and scientists, settled in the cluster of galactic remains. The exploitation of this region had to begin immediately.


Over the years this new colony would mature and all memory of the life and hopes of the millions of consciences that populated the defeated meta-corporation would be erased. No one would remember them anymore.

[1] Anti-entropy is order and also usable energy. Entropy is energy that can no longer be used.



In another place in space-time.

On the last planet a slight breeze slides, very soft and constant. That air caresses the vast deserts like the listless arm of a lover who disdainfully touches the sad landscapes and the cold stones, which, in general, have no other witness to their existence.

     At the top of the atmosphere, just before the start of nowhere, thousands of melancholic clouds, softly luminescent, weave a circular storm. This great spot revolves around the hemispheres of the planet every 24 hours, providing little light for half of that time and leaving the other in darkness. Eventually, among the deserts there is some deep moat from which monstrous columns of dense gas rise amidst thunder. By observing them patiently, I have witnessed that finally those columns of gas - made at the bottom of the avernus - feed the great luminescent storm, the only protagonist of our synthetic atmosphere.

Here and there you can find, spented Mekhanes[1], millenary artifacts of public bio-maintenance, used for an eternity by the lonely who are being born and dying, from century to century, on the last planet. These Mekhanes prevent my almost dry blood from flowing. Or they leave between my tissues microsystems that fill my skinny flesh with little, although enough, oxygen. But, above all, they are repairing the errors and micro-aberrations that my germ molecule[2] is suffering, which is the most essential thing that I have and that I am.

     Every so often the Emissary leaves instructions. Through them I know how to find and use these Mekhanes or when to start new operations on them. The Emissary is the interface between the Mekhanes and me, and they are the distant manifestations, the poor echoes of the Thecnetos, which thus allows my survival.

     Among the deserts can be found some landscapes even rarer than others: they contain geometric shapes and orderly beauty. I suppose they are distant constructions, traces of the distant and violent prehistory of the human being, which happened so long ago that perhaps the same time does not serve to conceive the distance from us to them. They are now remote dust, fading into even older dust, and yet they seem so interesting to me when I compare them to the meaninglessness of the other landscapes. They speak of our fiery ancestors, too different from us.

     I had never been outside the local ruin system and studying it was my only distraction, but my walk through it was always lonely. Trillions of years ago, all forms of life failed, except, of course, ours, which will last until the end of the universe. And there is still the possibility that, if some form of matter or energy survives to that end, the Thecnetos will find a way to make us survive as well.

     I must admit that these ruins are confusing or sometimes totally incomprehensible to me. I can't imagine how they ever served that remote humanity or what role they played in that strange past world. The phrase "everything was very different then", which could be used to answer this question, does not alleviate my doubts, my deep and anxious doubts.

      I walk and examine them patiently and they always seem to make no sense, or could it be that they never did, at least not to us? (Which is evidence that in prehistory we were not physically like we are now). Perhaps they correspond to periods of disorientation or drastic change, or they belong to the beginning of the automaton control of the world, of the ancestors of the machines that came later, since the artificial also has its prehistory, too different — surely — to the current Thecnetos.

     If I think about it better, the artificial will also have its future, but not us, because we will not change anymore. Our evolution as a species came to an end long ago.

     These rare ruins, those stone and cement algebras, were perhaps the war trenches of the first artificial intelligences; the primitive and crude seed of the actual, absolute and infallible Thecnetos.

The Emissary, his Emissary, i think, have to understand them better.

[1] Machines.

[2] DNA, a molecule that contains the genes or genetic information of a person.