jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021



Very, very far from there ...

     Few events have such a degree of brutality that the wars between meta-corporations, and the loot for which they kill and devour each other, is the most miserable for which a war has ever been fought before: the dust, the inert remains of the matter, or the odd fragment of the planet. The last molecules with usable energy, the last and few sources of anti-entropy[1], are exploited in them, in an increasingly entropic cosmos.

It is that nothing is more worth than order in a universe of chaos, because entropy is death and anti-entropy is life. Anti-entropy is the ultimate fuel and no act of cruelty is too much to appropriate.

This time the local meta-corporation rushes to invade and destroy its neighbor, its ally a few days ago.

The attacked meta-corporation settled in a cluster of opaque stars, in a black conglomerate of pieces of what was once a galaxy and were now only frozen and rotten fragments, populated by a rickety human civilization.

A few seconds before the attack with the micro-big-bang, an icy and calm panorama, in which those debris mix, like a subtle dust, mixing itself. Suddenly, the meta-dimensional weapons of the attacking meta-corporation begin their offensive.

A point of singularity opens up in the middle of space; with foresight, hordes of giant warriors had planted this point of space-time instability among that galactic cluster. Now it was opening between the planets, violently breaking the gravitational balance of those worlds, twisting time until it broke and dispersed it, and with it, the thousands of populations. The attacked meta-corporation immediately noticed the attack, but its response was too late, even so, it began a disorderly counterattack from its thousands of planets and artificial stars. Alarms were smashed and millions of troops and ships launched themselves into defense, as space itself split around them. Within a few milli-seconds of the attack, the singularity point curved space-time so severely that it created zones in which the temperature rose billions of degrees. Almost impossible temperatures that produced a very high density, similar to that of the initial birth of the cosmos. A microscopic big bang was igniting.

At that point an impressive and brutal expansion began, destroying everything that governed the attacked meta-corporation. Time no longer ran backwards or forwards but perpendicularly: imaginary time… The fractures were so savage that electrons were torn from their atoms and then they were shattered into even more elementary and simple particles.

A second blast tore these elementary particles into even more essential components, losing any known property of being in their fragmentation. Its fragments were so tiny and rare that they had no length, shape, or duration.

Three milliseconds later, time was reset, the atoms reassembled, and the forces of the attacking meta-corporation advanced to occupy the already shattered cluster.

But that cluster of galactic debris was so large that at its ends some forces of the neighboring meta-corporation managed to survive and began to travel violently to defend themselves. But space, as in a disorderly whirlpool, was still curving grimly, tearing apart those defense forces, spreading them not only to different points in space, but also in time.

The state of matter was already stable and numerous contingents of tumultuous warriors from the attacking meta-corporation appeared. One of those millions of ironclad and anonymous murderers was M, gigantic, deadly, but at the same time innocent and clean. Inordinate, but pristine. His job, like that of the others, was to destroy by more conventional means what had survived the meta-dimensional attack, but in addition M had a secondary task: to recover the scientific archives of certain centers. At his side his companion, Ayazx, a formidable and impetuous warrior, would support him in this quest.

M, Ayazx, Fratedes (an old one-eyed warrior), Wille (the smallest of all), the sad Gerontes and hordes of thousands of other giants divided the surviving worlds. Into those vertigos they threw themselves without hesitation, seeming not only to hate the life that still existed in it, but to depreciate their own. Injected with violent frenzy, they were blind to the death they carried and to which they brought. Soon hundreds of contingents and ships collided with each other, and thus the forces of the two meta-corporations were shattered, bursting apart and almost completely striking each other. This did not worry the attacking meta-corporation, even the corpses of their own giants would be useful as anti-entropy afterwards, so no lives were spared and the death of 94% of their warriors was not considered. gives a significant loss, they were worth almost the same alive or dead.

     When numerical and technical superiority the local meta-corporation managed to win the battle, M, Ayazx, Fratedes, and thousands of other warriors descended like lions to the few planets or stations still occupied, to finish with primitive techniques what began with the techniques more modern of death. The oldest form of murder, the hand-to-hand, person-to-person confrontation, began.


This lasted for several days of bloody frenzy. Beneath the rough muscles of the warriors, the blood of the men of the defeated meta-corporation slipped and one more human lineage disappeared from the cosmos in order to give life to another.

Death was, as it always has been, the food of life.

Finally, under the powerful arms of the huge and indolent Ayazx died the last citizen of the defeated meta-corporation.

M's body was also red with blood, so the two warriors separated from the central group. Ayazx's eyes, wild with euphoria, searched, along with M's crouched and serene, in the now empty scientific precincts. They were looking for the files of a nebulous investigation.

After searching in vain in the upper facilities, they entered a narrow corridor that descended into a steep incline. Covered by thousands and thousands of tons of collapsed buildings, they found a test laboratory for a meta-dimensional bomb, the defeated meta-corporation had been a few days away from achieving a nano-big-bang, perhaps others were now, had a monstrous assembly line complex filled with a sour stench.

     That death humor emanated from thousands of corpses of giants, captive slaves, human beings captured from various meta-corporations, a good part of them from the meta-corporation to which Ayazx and M belonged.

They had been exploited for years in those facilities and killed at the same moment that the defeated meta-corporation was attacked, in the pathetic bodies of the corpses you could see the traces of the meticulous violence, torture and hunger that they had lived without pause, in that infernal hole. The natural beauty of the warriors, congenitally corpulent and large men, shrunk and wrinkled in the ruined bodies of those corpses, dimensions of which only the still heavy and massive bones spoke, which were noticeable under the blue and poor flesh. M and Ayazx advanced close to each other amid that horror without losing even the slightest bit of serenity. M, although young, was unable to fear or lose his cool even in the most horrible circumstances and had never lost his composure or control. Ayazx was happy in violence, although he was never serene, he made his way kicking the sad dead and rejoiced in him, an evil to see his misery.

     At last, in the deepest meta-dimensional weapons laboratory, they found the files of work they wanted among dead scientists. A report on meta-dimensional animals that they were tasked with searching. They contained a terrible truth.

     Far from them and taking advantage of the rifts of space and time, large artificial bodies of the victorious meta-corporation, loaded with colonization equipment and scientists, settled in the cluster of galactic remains. The exploitation of this region had to begin immediately.


Over the years this new colony would mature and all memory of the life and hopes of the millions of consciences that populated the defeated meta-corporation would be erased. No one would remember them anymore.

[1] Anti-entropy is order and also usable energy. Entropy is energy that can no longer be used.

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