jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021



In another time and space ...

     Yes, humans are the only form of life and since I am completely alone, I am life for the moment. Since the Thecnetos does not let me die and live seems impossible on the last planet, its mission must then be to preserve my life and in general, life. But for what? I do not know. If I knew what life is for, I would truly know what Thecnetos is for!

Much later, when I understood everything, I saw, by focusing on human prehistory, that the only sense of life is survival; every detail that a living being is made of serves that purpose. Therefore, the meaning of life is nothing more than life and the meaning of survival is nothing more than survival itself. That's how tautological biology is in its depths. A hen (someone said it) is the instrument of an egg to make another egg. I learned — perhaps very late — that tortuous world history was nothing more than the tortuous method that one man used to make another man. Discovering those two men would give meaning to the days that followed and will justify this long and sometimes tedious monologue.

In living beings, those of now and those of before, it is fruitless to look for another meaning to their industry, their anatomy, their behavior and their psychology. Life only serves to persist; Any examination of the elaborate and sometimes dark features of life, if it goes deep enough, always reaches this conclusion: the empty meaning of life is life. And it's perhaps more honest and simple to admit that don't have any.

The goal is said to justify and explain the means. But in life the end pursued by that means is the means itself. Life is reproduction that reproduces itself, nothing more.

Thus, an inert molecule is - paradoxically - the final and only protagonist of life.


     This definition of life — of course, the one that existed before the universe became abiotic — can be explained to all living things that ever filled the cosmos. And it should therefore serve to explain the supreme mystery: what is consciousness? What is that capacity to feel of my insensitive flesh? But it does not explain it. Why doesn't my self ignore itself as they normally do things? Always oblivious to other things in the world and to themselves.

     And this explanation, if I were to fully understand its implications, would explain the empty ruins that I walk through and that intrigue me. Life should also explain who I am, who the Emissary is and explain the content of those wrong letters. And above all, although I don't know with what words I could say it, what the Thecnetos really is. But there is no one or nothing commissioned to reveal that.

     Doubts. Only doubts fill my days. And perhaps my death will come without being able to answer my poor questions, or understand if those were the important questions. I did not know yet that death was already looking for me, hasty and impatient.

     This is the last planet. For the lonely modern man there is no family or love relationships; there is no commerce, no art, no media; there are no books, no architecture, no religion, no science; there are no philosophies or superstitions, there are no cemeteries, no technologies, there is not even language in the strict sense of the word; Each individual has thoughts in his mind that do not need to be symbolized in words, to whom would he address them if they exist? There are no signs in place of things, there are only pure notions of things and their relationships. That individual proto-language only serves to understand itself. There is no verbal language, but there is that proto-language for each person who is born (which happens very rarely) and there is a common written system only with the Emissary (the letters are an example of this). All these and other structures used by primitive humanity for its survival are now unnecessary. Any trace of civilization or society has disappeared.

There is no memory, neither individual nor collective. There are machines, but we have not made them and they have not been made for us; they have their strange language, this one, universal and common to the other machines, the Emissary and the Thecnetos.

Now the perfect Thecnetos infallibly multiplies the germinal molecule and society or consciousness is no longer necessary, as long as there is energy, no matter how little it may be, the end of the world will not come and Thecnetos will function. Using anti-entropy to multiply an abstract form of life.

      Organic life and consciousness were only instruments of the blind germ molecule to multiply. Means, not goals. I myself am a means, Thecnetos is a means, and the end is really nothing.

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